Friday, December 23
friday - 23/12/05
two days to christmas! wahahaha. tomorrow, gonna go fullerton with sher, berenice n gab. yesyesyes. hopefully, my dad will give me some cash haha cuz im a little low on that right now.the promise ROCKS.
go watch! was really reluctant to watch and give in only aft loads of persuasion. and plus there's the fact that the tickets were alr bought. haha. but in e end i loved it. n nicholas tse is so cute ^_^v

michi ]|[ 09:30
Wednesday, December 21
wednesday - 21/12/05
woohoo NARNIA's coming out tomorrow!hmmm. well today i gotta complete most of my work. and study a little too. maybe maths. i'll nvr get anything done at home with the computer and tv. so im going to jurong library again. yesterday i went but with lester. we had nth better to do than to walk ard jurong east. watched prime hahaha. go watch it! its freaking funny. lol.
OHOHOH! and guess li qing ren is coming out on channel U!! heex. you know, the lovers in paris that i've been waiting to get the dvd on. its a blessing in disguise! i only wanted to get the dvd because i wanted to watch the front part. luckily i didnt earn anyth from nbyn or i'd have blown 60 buck on it. man, everything's fallin into place since i got back my results!
omigosh e schnappi's song is daaaaamn cute ^_^
im exceedingly hyper today. someone's birthday is on the 24th..but i cant remember who -_-"
my current obsession is the narnia series. i couldnt understand in the past why my dad was harping on me to read the books. but im almost through with the 5th book. a bit enthu lah but who cares. i wanna finish all 7 before sch reopens, or i'd not have the time to read them.
anw angel's agreed to hand down his books to me. heex. can save money and plus i get notes and plus plus they're angel's ^_^
kk i gotta go before i start sprouting more nonsense.
michi ]|[ 11:11
Monday, December 19
monday - 19/12/05
results day. hmmm. mom said i'm probably walking on air right now and have clouds in my brain. well i was but now im kinda back on earth. im not that psyched over my results now because i realised i could've done much better and get 1s instead of all those 2s. bleh. but i got into sec 5. im happy.kinda feel like going downstairs to feed the cats. didnt do that for a long time alr. have been working and everything so i didnt find the time. but i've stopped working .. but i feel homesick! of nbyn. i wanna go do photoshop and dress ppl up. reuben asked me to go back so im gonna discuss it with my parents. maybe w/ my good grades she'll let me work saturdays. i hope i hope i hope.
michi ]|[ 17:07
Wednesday, December 14
wednesday - 14/12/05
went to nbyn today for job training. in the end it was cancelled. got damn pissed because reuben was told and i wasnt. and i got wind of the news that im about to be fired or smth. was in a friggin' bad mood yesterday.went to work awhile, den went to marina bay for steamboat with meimei, gab, sher and this guy steven. i cheered up after awhile, and had fun. cooked a lot. haha. gab and meimei didnt wanna cook, so i help them. and thank God this time no food poisoning! i improved.
den went to play arcade! daytona haha. it was really fun. den played street fighter with sher. lol. reached home ard 10 plus.. gab didnt feel like going home so she stayed over at sher's. slept at 3 last night. couldnt fall asleep. later going to work again. wanna find out if im gonna get fired or not. so i wun have to keep wondering if i should go to work. free labour. didnt earn a cent. and now they juz wanna fire me.
daniel told me that after the tenth UP, i'd get deals occasionally. but now im only up to my 9th UP but they wanna reschedule the company and get new ppl in. wth sia. got freaking attached to the place and the people. waaarghh!! frustrated.
kk i gotta go. gotta get ready for work. tah.
michi ]|[ 10:51
Monday, December 12
monday - 12/12/05
its barely nine. i woke up at eight this morning thinking i have work. i thought i could sleep in but apparently not.. im tired..had two clients yesterday. actually im alr lucky enough to get two clients. some only got one and some even got none. anyway, the 8th didnt like her pics but loved the benefits and the 9th was very interested but felt installments over 24 mths was too long a time. he'd wanted to pay by check but zu said it wasnt accepted. warrrrgh!!
but this week..i still got four days to take UPs. maximum i'll get 8 UPs, minimum i get 4 UPs. i think..this christmas i'll be spending at home..worked for so long but not a cent to show for so embarrassed!!..dun think i'll be able to afford presents this year..used to get by christmas by advancing my allowance by ten weeks..but i doubt i'll be doing that this year.
tell me what you want what you really really want!...
michi ]|[ 08:54
Saturday, December 10
saturday - 10/12/05
i got my 7th client today. as well as my 7th rejection. when i saw my client out, i'd wanted to scream my head off and murder the next person who crosses my path. then daniel [one of the managers] talked to me, saying majority of the image consultants there only get deals after 10 clients. i felt better after that. he also said i still had next year. which was true. i can work fulltime after my O levels till i get my results.anyway, was heading home at around 9 plus, and saw jess, subash [i think. duno how to spell] and eunice at the coffeeshop just a few feet from my block. sat down and talked to them till 10:30 when i finally got home. they were telling all sorts of funny stories about clients and employees they've had. i guess when you work, its all you ever talk about. like what im doing now.
jess is my team leader; team D. subash is another team leader who's training to become a manager. and eunice is a partimer that joined about a month ago. it was fun lah. didnt say much cuz their stories were really interesting.
but im EXHAUSTED. i've forgotten the feeling of being well-rested. i mean, monday is my free day, but i usually go out by myself to places like the airport or to feed the cats and stuff. tuesday i have badmin training and maybe i'll go out after that too. wednesday i have job training from ten to about 12, and i'll probably go out after that also. thursday im working from noon to about eight, and that goes for friday too. saturday and sunday i work from 9:30 to maybe eight. and the stupid thing is, i've only got one more week at nbyn but i've got NO DEALS.
im trying to encourage myself by repeating what daniel said. that we normally get deals after the tenth client. im so crushed. i'd wanted to work because of christmas. i was never able to afford half the things i really want to get for my friends for christmas. i thought now i'd be able to clinch three deals and im all set. actually, two would be enough. that'd be around $300.
usually come home and cry my eyes out in the bathroom because i felt like such a loser. i thought that i really sucked at working and stuff like that. i nearly wanted to quit. i guess it was God's will to have daniel talk to me today. feel loads better.
of course there're other things to worry about, like my studies. the holidays are ending but i still havent finish my homework yet. plus i have to get a head start on next year's syllabus. WHY DID MR PANG GIVE SO MUCH HOMEWORK ???
michi ]|[ 23:01
saturday - 10/12/05
worked for three weeks and not a cent to show for it.I'M GONNA GET A DEAL TODAY!
michi ]|[ 08:56
Saturday, December 3
saturday - 3/12/05
its alr december. argh. i should've started work immediately aft i got the job.anyway, im bored. i woke up an hour earlier for fear of being late today at nbyn.. no way im gonna pay 30 bucks cuz im late a few mins.
today should be taking UPs. thats the code term they use for clients. went for a ride yesterday, and saw how they did things in more detail. picked up tips from my leader but it was tiring. standin ard for two - three hours. my back broke when we finished. went to sit in e staff lounge and read magazines. lol.
guess who joined nbyn yesterday -_- cheryl.. from xiao hai bu ben.. you know, that selena girl.. always dao her mother.. ya anw, she was pretty and everything lah.. she was with a guy and girl and i thought she was only here for the shoot..the image stylist that did her friend's makeup asked me if cheryl was who she thought she was..
but ah, thats redundant. duno why im talking bout her. -rolls eyes. too bad shumei wasnt workin with me or she'd be psyched. its freaking cold in there but i dont have a jacket to bring with me. the one i have is too bright cuz i'd bought it to go with my white top. regret it tho -_- one of my most impractical buys..
today gotta work fulltime i think.. haiiiiii.. but maybe it'll end ard two ..hopefully lah.. i dun wanna be stuck there with UPs on a saturday.. im workin tomorrow too. geez.
mom said its just a taste of what working life is. wargh. im gonna die when i reach working age. bleah.
michi ]|[ 08:25